My Birds, Nature and Wildlife
I am from Eastern North Carolina, I have two grown children and three wonderful grandkids. One Lovebird named PJ and a toy poodle named Baby. I love my God and all the wonders and beauty He has made for us to enjoy.I enjoy taking pictures of birds and other wildlife. I have 10 feeders several bird houses.The Eastern Bluebird is my favorite bird.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Been missing
Good day to all, I did not realize it had been so long since I was on here. Well I broke my wrist, the last of Apirl and have been in a funk ever since. Guess I was feeling sorry for myself. I could not do all the things I wanted to by myself, had to ask for help and that is hard for me. Well I think I need to get out of this funk and remember why I started this blog. My love of God and His beauty that I wanted to share. I have not taken many pictures of late and they are a little blurred lol (one handed) and it has been so hot I could not sit outside like I was doing. So here are a few pics of some of my visitors to my yard.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My boyfriend and brother built a deck on the front of my home 2 weekends ago. My boyfriend and I had planned on doing it, but I fell before we could and broke my wrist. Then all I could do was supervise. Well I did make sure they had something cold to drink LOL and fixed them lunch. It took all day, but they did a good job.Now I can sit outside and have my morning coffee, work on the computer too. First pic is boyfriend, second is my brother and last you can see the addition
As I sit here, the sun slowly going down, which paints the sky, wonderful shades of blue,red, orange and yellow I am in awe of Gods amazing beauty, that He shares with us.As I watching the birds, squirrels and occasional rabbit. Hearing all the sounds of nature. AND A BIG THANK YOU TO LARRY AND BILLY
As I sit here, the sun slowly going down, which paints the sky, wonderful shades of blue,red, orange and yellow I am in awe of Gods amazing beauty, that He shares with us.As I watching the birds, squirrels and occasional rabbit. Hearing all the sounds of nature. AND A BIG THANK YOU TO LARRY AND BILLY
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Well, the babies have left the house and I didn't get to see it. they fledged the next day, and it was raining. Pop took them to the back of the lot. Away from the mockingbirds. All is well with them, and thats' what counts. So that ends my story sorta, A female Bluebird has already claimed the house and is making it her home. So the saga will continue. LOL Oh the mockingbirds seem to be a happy couple now. At least they are not attacking other birds.The pic is of Papa trying to cokes them out, and 1 little head looking scared.

Thursday, April 21, 2011
I have been sitting in my new home, at the kitchen table by the window, my favorite spot in the house. I can see my feeders,birdbathes and one of my Bluebird houses. I have enjoyed watching the mom and pop bluebirds build the nest. They work well together, unlike some people. Then on March 15 I saw 3 eggs in the nest. such a pretty shade of blue, this was a first for me. Man it is exciting to know soon there will be baby birds. Did you know that pop bluebird even feeds mom while she sits on the nest? I now have babies !!!!!! If you can tell I get a little excited. I decided I was going to watch this all the way, till the fledging leave the nest. Mom and pop share the feeding, won't be long now before they take their maiden flight. Wait I am getting ahead of myself, LOL I noticed a few days ago that I have not been seeing mom come and go. Only papa, so I paid close attention, sure enough no mom. Now with mom out of the picture pop has to work harder feeding them. He has been doing a great job too. Don't mean to leave you in suspense, but I had sprang my wrist bad and now it is stating to hurt, so I will post a few pics to help you see my story.Be back later to finish.

Mom is hungry

Pops here with lunch

Mom is hungry
here are the babies !!!!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Bluebirds are Nesting
My Bluebirds have been very active lately,checking out their house, before they started working on my lot. Then with so much activity around, I was scared they would not use the house they had been checking out. But to my amazement they started building their nest.Now I can set on my front porch and watch them going in and out. I had checked for eggs on Friday, not a one. Then Saturday I noticed the female sitting half way out of the box. I had never seen one do that before. The same thing happened again on Sunday morning. Well, I could not wait, so I checked and sure enough there were 3 eggs there. Happy happy days. I will be able to watch as they hatch, mom and dad feeding them and see the fledging leave the nest. This will be a first for me. here are a few pics of mom, dad and soon to be babies. Not sure why the pics post at the top.
Friday, March 11, 2011
My Adventures in finding Peace and Quiet
For about 3 and a half years now, I have lived with my son and 2 grandsons. My son is disable and needed my help. Well he has a 3 bedroom mobile home. The boys are now teenagers and I am going crazy. LOL There seems to be something going on daily, the boys bicker all the time. I think they need their own space and I know I do. So I made a decision to put a mobile home on my sons land. He has 7 acres. WELL THIS IS WHERE THE ADVENTURE STARTS. To put it there I had to apply for a hardship case( it means he needs someone to be near enough to help him he is going to have to have another surgery soon) I went to the city, because we are in their planning zone. I had to have papers from his doctor, what size home I wanted to put in, then wait 2 months for a hearing. I was approved thank God. I then had to clear the area I am using, get the county not the city to approve my putting in a septic system. They said I could use his existing well. Then back to the city to get the permits to move, setup,put in electrical box, septic system and AC. I have completed all but the final inspection. Oh, I also have to get a power line ran. They came out this morning to do that, found out it was to wet with all the rain we have gotten over the last few days. Now I have to wait until the first of the week. Well, I know the Good Lord has not brought me this far, without taking me the rest. I would like to share some of the beginning pics of this adventure.
I will continue my saga as thing progess
I will continue my saga as thing progess
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pine Siskin and Brown-headed Nuthatch
Northern Flicker
Pine Warbler
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